Subject: Telecommunications infrastructure
From: David Boxall <>
Date: 5/05/2016 11:06 AM


With an election looming, I hope to do a bit of lobbying. My chief field of interest is telecommunications. There's too little time to formulate a comprehensive policy; "in principle" responses would help.

<> says:
"The current copper network is not sufficient to meet the requirements of a growing digital society. A fibre-to-the-premises infrastructure project that connects the majority of Australians to a fibre network, where economically feasible, is fundamental to the creation of a vibrant digital society in Australia." My own perspective is a little more radical: <>. In short, I'd put the aspiration at "all Australian premises" and see how close we can get. The NBN was recently discussed at <>, but the network is far more than the NBN.

Among the questions being asked:
The anticipated service life of optical fibre is a century or so. Diligent government will plan accordingly.

What is your party's hundred-year plan for Australia's telecommunications infrastructure? What is your vision for the network in ten, twenty and fifty years' time?

What is your stance on:
1. Optical fibre to rural, regional and remote premises;
[bearing in mind the durability of fibre, its unparalleled performance over distance and its low cost per unit of time over service life
2. Mobile 'phone coverage over the vast majority of Australia's territorial land areas* and;
3. Resuming public ownership of telecommunications infrastructure?
[a possible mechanism is outlined at <>]
*I've not been able to find reliable figures on geographic mobile 'phone coverage. From the available maps, it looks as though less than 5% of Australia's territorial land areas are covered.

David Boxall                    | Home:   02 4991 2704
33 Mount Baker Rd               | Mobile: 04 2777 4717